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The Very End
S3 licensed
The reason why the developers do not talk about what they do in details is because the forum goes batshit on them when they scrap ideas or leaves things out. Good examples of this is the rallypack and lx8.
But I rather have o deal with that shitstorm than having no news at all. A few have destroyed for all.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Too much internet has ruined our minds btw..
Well, allways sad to see them go! RIP.
The Very End
S3 licensed
ANYHOW! Seriously, it looks mint, really great looking stuff.
Wonder how it is going to flow with 20 other cars on tracks
The Very End
S3 licensed
Well depends on the others what we do! I think the plan today is to first get some food (we just got up), drink and smoke some, sit down on this awesome little cafe we found yesterday (you sit / lie down in a circle around the tables and it's relaxing music there.

Then we heard rumors about some museums that might be open, so we're heading there, and then we probally will go and get mind blown on one of the live-shows on Banana Club, since we did not manage to get to one yesterday.

So we'll see... yes I do see you Mintu on the table..**** off... I said **** OFF!!...! ..**** I am drunk again
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :The blind speculation in this thread is confusing. There's been no indication of any of the things that you are all talking about. You're making hypothesises from absolutely no data other than fluff pulled from your butt.

You are wrong, simply as that I will put it.
It has been mentioned, by the devs, that the cockpits should be renewed, there should be a Westhill update and some other small feautures which yet are not seen and which were mentioned YEARS ago. That is no guessing, that's their actually words, if you do not belive me you have not been around much. Do a browsing through their posting history, but they might of course have deleted their post.

This is by no means an attack on you mate, I just want to state that some of the critism is because of lack of developement on areas which were announched way before the talk about tyre physics, scirocco and rockinham.

But instead of actually finishing at least the interiors and Westhill update, the talk about it simply vanished and nothing have happend. Instead it is now just the talk about the physics and so on.

At least they should pull their shit togheter and released those updates first, then focusing on the future with S3, rockingham and scirocco.
The Very End
S3 licensed
But that does not seem to be in Amster? Or? ; p
Well time for banana club rofl
The Very End
S3 licensed
Beach where lolol?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Haha thanks
We will go to museums' n shit today before getting wasted! Well that last part is wrong because I think Mintu allready made me shitfaced ; D
The Very End
S3 licensed
Oh my god I am so feeling it was awesome last night. In bed and cannot move before I want to hurl...good thing i have Mintu within reach to give me active death help.
Oh and btw, ao much damn boobies here, boobie overload for me!
The Very End
S3 licensed
**** you you dick, I am like 9 years older than you, how to you think I feel? :grumpy:
The Very End
S3 licensed
That does look quite like a rip-off of the the RB4 cockpit. The LFS devs should sue these bastards!
The Very End
S3 licensed
If you are alone on the track it does not count upwards ln your win statestic. Sure, you grt some laps done and a finish, but no 1, 2 or 3, so not really a problem
The Very End
S3 licensed
I can assure you that it's not their fulltime job anymore. Without going to details one of the developers admited that nowdays primary scource of incomme is by working on a bakery.

I am sure that Scawen works on the tyre physics, but if he is able to finish them, I am not sure anymore.

We allways hear that Eric is and has been working on stuff, but little has been shown on that front since Eric refuses to show pictures or stuff of his work before he is satisfied with it, and as far as I know that means when he has completed it.
Wheter or not he has LFS as primary anymore I do not know, but my best guess is that the 3 of them have other types of work, or they would not be able to feed their families.

If I belive if S3 is going to be released? - Not sure anymore to be honest, it just seems as Scawen has taken a little too big task, and now he is in a state where he struggles to progress but at same time canot release anything because it would let down the community.
The fact is however, no matter how good the tyre physics are, by the time they are relased the game will be 10+ years old, and even the hardest of the fanboys must admit the techology has gone forward. Now there are so many games to pick from, with excelent graphics and improving physics. And going online in LFS thesedays just makes me sad, there is 1-2 racing servers online with people on them, rest is either demo og cruise. In fact the best races I'v had this last year was on demo servers with demo racers, and I think that shows that this game is not doing well.

But who knows, maybe S3 is released this year, maybe the physics are spot on and in top of the field, but as time passes I think our immagination is making LFS bigger and better / the expectation for what's to come far better than what we actually will get. By the time it will be released there most likely will be other games that servers the same entertaining as LFS, alltho they might not have the same good feel as LFS. The physics alone is not going to keep this game continuing, the community will, but as long as the developers shut down their community - well then things starts to look bleak.

But again, I might be wrong, I might not, time will tell, but something must soon happend. 2008 was long ago....
The Very End
S3 licensed
**** you :faint:
The Very End
S3 licensed
That's not the point Gawd
The Very End
S3 licensed
Do what? Getting raped by that thing?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Ok so I did the google, and this is what came up:

The Very End
S3 licensed
Is this one of those things that will totally brain **** me for the rest of my life?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Change some words and you get a veiw of my sexlife.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Is really the ISPs not going over to IP6? I though, at least here in Norway, that most of our ISPs have moved over to it.

But then again, been long since I actually read anything about this matter.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Lol what crawled up your ****? ^-^
The Very End
S3 licensed
The Very End
S3 licensed
Well, to be completely honest, no bullshit, I guess we only will get drunk me and my friends, seeing different bars and maybe go to some strange clubs just to have been there. I could of course in good tradition take some photos of the shitfest unfold for later enjoyment!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Europerv lol? What might that be?
Well depends on the other people I am travveling with, but maybe we should check at least one museum of a kind, could aswell see the cat museum ^-^
The Very End
S3 licensed
Last edited by The Very End, .